
How Does Susan G Komen Spend Their Money

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Research, Education, Educational Services, Health

Mission: Susan G. Komen for the Cure celebrated its 25th anniversary with a new name, a new logo and a significant accomplishment: $1 billion invested since our inception in the global fight against breast cancer. And we have pledged to invest another $2 billion in the next decade in scientific research and community outreach programs. It will take investments of that level if we are to bring about a dramatic, unprecedented decline in breast cancer deaths over the next 10 to 15 years.

Programs: Grants to other non-profit organizations to support breast cancer research, as well as research resources and conferences that further the breast cancer research agenda. See schedule o for additional details.

public health education programs to increase the public's awareness of breast cancer including, among other things, early detection and treatment. See schedule o for additional details.

breast cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment programs and grants. See schedule o for additional details.

Community Stories

672 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

I applaud this organization for pulling funding from Planned Parenthood. Please do not cave in to pressure from the public, but stand true to the convictions that led you to this controversial decision. Yes, Planned Parenthood has services other than providing abortions and has helped countless people by such services. But the truth is that they are killing unborn children. Would you support a murderer because he helped his wife by paying for a mammogram? Is he a totally evil person without any moral principles? No! He is still a murderer and must be punished. Think about it.

Review from Guidestar


ze42005 Donor

Rating: 1

This organization is a Fraud. They pretend to care about women's heath, but are really a politcal rightwing organization. They do not care about poor women -- just advancing a righwing agenda. Their mission statement is a fraud, and I want my money back!


mjeff Donor

Rating: 1

This is utter non-sense!! This organization should be held accountable for its actions no one donated money based on political beliefs or ties. For this organization to side with a Christian conservative group is outrageous!

Review from Guidestar

4 Mark34

Mark34 Donor

Rating: 5

The decision by this wonderful charity to focus on cancer instead of all women's issues had to be hard, but demonstrates a group sticking to its roots and its mission. The backlash against this is sad and misguided. Think again folks about what this charity is for - its name and mission to not mention all women''s issues, it names breast cancer. I hail the leadership for its courage to stick to its mission and focus.

Review from Guidestar

Planned Parenthood is a $1 billion-per-year enterprise, Komen's annual budget approaches $100 million. The discontinuing of some $600,000 in grants from the latter to the former will not mean a mass of women go unscreened, as Planned Parenthood does not do any screening other than hands on....with their hands. Why does that require even $1 that could be spent on mammograms? Not just "referrals" to mammograms, which, if a low income customer with need to be paid for, NOT by Planned Parenthood. Go figure.


rev.ritchie General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

This is a right-wing nut-job organization that is more interested in politics than helping women in need. They are hurting poor uninsured women, and they don't care! They absolutely don't need our support. Give your money elsewhere. Did you know that Brinker is a huge Bush fundraiser (she raised millions for him), and that Karen Handel is a Palin-endorsed politico who openly stated that her mission is to stop PP? Think twice before you give them even a penny.

3 Richard25

Richard25 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Decision not to support planned parenthood breast cancer screenings means more women will suffer and die. There is no way I will support this.

Review from Guidestar

3 Paula D.

Paula D. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great organization with values! Spreading the word about a very dangerous cancer - helping save lives!

Review from Guidestar


drwas Donor

Rating: 1

SGK won't see another dime from me! This is shameful!

4 Esther R.

Esther R. General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I can't in good conscience support this organization after their reversal on giving to Planned Parenthood. I thought their desire was to fulfill their fiduciary duty to their donors by not funding grant applications made by organizations under investigation. I guess they don't really care about their donors after all.

I stopped donating to SGK when they did not heed my requests for only one solicitation per year - hate to see money wasted on mulitple mailings when I only give once per year - and when they sued another organization for using similar slogans and/or pink ribbons to raise funds for breast cancer - why would you waste money on that lawsuit when both of your organizations' goals are to decrease breast cancer deaths? They have dug themselves deeper into my doghouse now by withdrawing support for Planned Parenthood's breast care program - a program that saves lives of women who may have no affordable alternative for screening and care.

Review from CharityNavigator


paulsong Donor

Rating: 1

I am very disappointed in SGK Foundation. Pulling support for Planned Parenthood under the cloak of trying to streamline your mission is a farce. The organization has clearly caved in to the radical Christian agenda and in doing so is throwing poor women under the bus. Shame on you SGK, Planned Parenthood will get my money from now on.


mta2266 Donor

Rating: 1

SGK is not a charitable organization anymore. It seems like they care more about their ideology of right wing politics. My donations stop from today.

Review from Guidestar


artstufff General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I used to run for the cure, but no more. Since SGK has defunded Planned Parenthood for support of breast cancer screenings, I cannot in good conscience do anything to support SGK. Their decision deprives women of life saving screenings. That doesn't sound "charitable," or even humanitarian to me. I won't support your anti-woman agenda. Good bye SGK.

Review from Guidestar


Terradea Volunteer

Rating: 1

SGK is not a charitable organization; it is a Christian Right/Republican Conservative money making machine designed to enrich its top executives and help push propaganda. It cares very little for women (as evidenced by its actions, including cutting funding for Planned Parenthood) and it's "pro-life" pretext is absurd. I will NEVER volunteer for this organization again, nor will I give my money to other volunteers.

1 Erica8

Erica8 Donor

Rating: 1

This organization cut funds to Planned Parenthood as the result of pressure from right-wingers. To deny women care under the guise of being an organization that helps women with breast cancer is reprehensible. I strongly urge people NOT to donate money here. I was a long-term donor, but they will never see another dime from me.

Review from CharityNavigator


JoJose General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Thank you SGK! I'll be donating more to your non-profit this year! Keep up the good work!

5 Barbara51

Barbara51 Volunteer

Rating: 1

wish i could leave less than one for an org that lies to women about how they spend their money--its leaders get rich and women's health gets pennies on the dollar!


Karma456 Donor

Rating: 1

No more donations for Susan G Komen coming from me. They have completely lost focus of what is important and I hope that people instead choose to give to a REAL charity.

Story Image

3 Richard K.

Richard K. General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Cancer is not a political football. Komen management has shown disregard for their own mission statement in regard to Planned Parenthood. Additionally, a relatively small percentage of the donations to this organization make it into research.

Review from Guidestar


Roy Bossingham General Member of the Public

Rating: 2

This organization clearly puts politics and gameplaying above the needs of its clients -- judging from both current events and from their long-term efforts to prevent serious research into the environmental causes of cancer. Put your money elsewhere.

Review from CharityNavigator


Oigen General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I had only praise about this foundation, until I have found out that they succumbed to Christian propaganda and would rather see women suffer and die. How could anyone support a far-wing Christian fundamentalist foundation which is now more interested in things that have no connection to their stated purpose? Please donate your money to foundations and NGO's that are worthy.

9 Linda Z.

Linda Z. Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

As an RN i am appalled at the SGK foundation's politically motivated right wing decision (influenced by their new right to life radical right wing VP) to defund Planned Parenthood - an institution with a long and respected history of caring for poor, uninsured and underinsured women who count on PP for their yearly breast exams and mammograms. Don't lie to us - we've read the article in the Atlantic. We know the truth about WHY this came about - it was an entirely political decision - not one based on women's health. Your organization has been taken over by right to life advocates who are out to destroy Planned Parenthood and who care nothing about women or women's health. You're new rules were written specifically to take advantage of the witchunt of an investigation sponsored by Cliff Sterns, Rep. FL.

I have been a long time donor and volunteer, but no more. By cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, they have made it clear that politics are more important than women's healthcare. This is not about "duplicative services"! Planned Parenthood provides vital services to a segment of the population that has no other healthcare choice. This is a slap in the face to those of us who have supported SGK and believed in SGK for years. Sorry Ms. Brinker, I'm not buying your explanation. These are women who were it not for Planned Parenthood may not ever get a referral for a mammogram. They cannot afford medical care. Obviously, you are not in touch with the growing number of women in poverty and their healthcare issues. I will no longer be a donor OR a volunteer. Sad.

Review from CharityNavigator


rojda Volunteer

Rating: 1

I will not support the foundation anymore and will stop participating in their fund raisers. Clearly they are not interested in helping women with breast cancer.

Review from Guidestar

This foundation has a high internal expenses to revenue ratio, but we put up with this for many years as we thought we were making contributions to women's health and getting visibility on the cause of breast cancer. We have donated to Komen in the past, but I am now afraid my dollars were used in lobbying for causes I do not support and for high salaries for people with extreme views about women's health. Finally, Komen's flap defunding breast screening at Planned Parenthood made me realize that their neutrality has been compromised and I wouldn't be surprised if they start supporting the disproved notion of the link between abortion and breast cancer that so much pleases the extreme American right. If Komen reduces their internal expenses (salaries, lobbying) and maintains their scientific neutrality, I would be willing to reconsider my rating.

Review from Guidestar


LauraBDG Donor

Rating: 1

Very disappointed that they should choose to put small-minded politics above the health of lower income women. I feel like they've taken my money and used to to make a political statement that I do not approve of.

3 April A.

April A. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Your goal to help women in need has not changed! Thank you for your continued financial support of organizations which provide mammograms directly to women who can not afford them!


mtzjotz Donor

Rating: 1

To find out that my donation goes to further a political agenda rather than to make sure as many women as possible get the health care and screenings they need is shocking. The Susan G. Komen foundation will get not a penny more of my money. If I could give them no stars, that's what I'd do. What a disappointment!


Mr India General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

This is not a time or venue for politicking and the Susan G. Komen foundation is doing exactly that. It's a pity for America that the discourse is being hijacked by propaganda.


greg.clark.ssa General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

And, if you can stomach listening to what the SGK has to say for itself, see video of MSNBC interview at SGK website. And feel free to leave a comment!
@3:59. Mitchell: "Look at your Facebook page. Your Facebook page has people cutting pink ribbons in half."
@4:04. Brinker: "All I can tell you is that the responses we're getting are very, very favorable."
"Very, very favorable"?! Yeah, right. Peruse the SGK Facebook page, dear reader, and see for yourself. Given Brinker's obvious and blatant mischaracterization of Facebook comments, why should anyone believe her other claims?!/susangkomenforthecure?sk=wall

I am sad that I have sponsored walkers in the race for the cure. Never again. They spend as much on "awareness" as "research" and now, they are cutting funds for breast exams which are critical in cancer prevention. My sister in law has breast cancer and they have raised 6000 to donate in her name. I just donated to planned parenthood today so they can continue to offer free breast exams to women who cant afford them. In this economic bad time it is so sad to see a great organization like SGK make such a terrible mistake.


joshua.lottich General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Shameful and Disgusting, words fail me at how to describe the transparently anti-choice political message that SGK is now promoting.


Mrs M. D Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Susan G. Komen have done a courageous thing to step away from funding an organization that has veered away from responsible work in the area of women's health. They realized that what Planned Parenthood has become is not what they stand for and so have pulled the plug. If people had any real desire to help, vilifying Susan G. Komen Foundation is sadly misguided. Planned Parenthood do not do mammograms but only physical examinations, which has been stated not to be an effective screening for breast cancer. Planned Parenthood has been found to be a compromised organized, period. And even been found to be complicit in promoting underage sex and human trafficking

Nancy Brinker & Karen Handel have abused & sullied Susan G. Komen's legacy, violating the first sentence in the Susan G. Komen Mission Statement, which reads: "Nancy G. Brinker promised her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever." Apparently, funding stem cell research and Planned Parenthood falls outside of Brinker + Handel's narrow scope of " end breast cancer forever." Brinker has been utilizing SGK as an NGO-approved lobbying firm, funneling charitable donations intended for breast cancer preventative care & research to special interests groups, staunchly opposing policy that would protect and enforce health measures favorable to SGK's errant Mission Statement.

Review from Guidestar


ckmerta Donor

Rating: 1

Shame on you, Susan G. Komen Foundation! Because of you, young women like me are now unable to get affordable breast cancer screening exams at the only place that will offer them to us. It's so hard for me to believe that an organization claiming to be a crusader for women would bow down to political nut jobs in order to appease them. I will never donate to your organization again.

This organization has seriously compromised its reputation by aligning with extreme right-wing political organizations attempting to shut down Planned Parenthood. Their action would have shut down a major source of breast cancer screenings and hurt thousands of women.

Review from Guidestar

3 Doug B.

Doug B. Donor

Rating: 1

SGK is a disgrace. I feel cheated and betrayed by this organization for the money I've donated and the walk-a-thons I've participated in. Clearly they have no regard for women's health. They would rather use their huge coffers to play politics -- and in to play politics with extremist Republicans to further the interests of big pharmaceutical companies. What's more shameful is this seems to have been going on since as early as 2002! Shame on you, SGK. You insult my mother and sister-in-law who are both survivors of breast cancer and have worked hard to raise money for you.

SGK has sold out. I no longer believe their goal is find a cure for breast cancer. Their goal now is to make as much money exploiting women who've died of cancer, are fighting cancer, have survived cancer and who are scared of getting it. I don't believe they really give a damn if we all die from it as long as they can wring a nickel out of it. I will support Planned Parenthood. I will never donate another dime to SKG or any product with that name on it.


luv2pole Donor

Rating: 1

Not another walk. Not another dime. It is now revealed that the people behind this "charity" are willing watch poor women die in order to advance their ideology. I wish i could take back my EOY donation. I started a new annual tradition today and donated to Planned Parenthood. I urge all to do the same. Lives are at risk.

1 Richa M.

Richa M. Donor

Rating: 1

Without Planned Parenthood thousands of women would have nowhere to go for gynecological care, various medication, the hepatitis a and B vaccines, breast exams etc etc.

Review from Guidestar

2 Bonnie15

Bonnie15 Donor

Rating: 1

With the decision to defund grants for PP breast cancer screening, this Foundation has veered far from the stated mission. The hiring of Karen Handel, who campaigned on defunding PP during her unsuccessful run for Gov. of GA, belies the spin that the new policy is anything other than an intentional targeting of PP. This foundation has moved from a charity to a political entity and no longer deserves our support.


Skb4355 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I am deeply upset by the board members of the Susan G. Komen foundation for their removal of funding for Planned Parenthood. I vow to never support the Susan G. Komen foundation, its affiliates, or its endorsers. Shame on them for bowing in the face of this religious war. Shame on them for discriminating against those in need.


desertsolousa General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation is a quasi-political (conservative, Republican and anti-choice) organization operating under the guise of funding breast cancer research. It's funding decisions and priorities appear positioned to appeal to vehemently anti-choice organizations and and cultivate political influence and power within conservative political circles. Don't be fooled by the costly and massive branding campaigns and (now dwindling) corporate sponsors. If you're interested in funding breast cancer research and prevention, look to donate to other national organizations and regional/local healthcare providers.

Review from Guidestar


jenny1984 Volunteer

Rating: 1

I used to believe that Susan G. Komen foundation truly wanted to increase access to early detection of breast cancer. It is the first bullet point in their impact statement. This increased access was why I volunteered my time because a few family members have had to rely on mammograms provided through local clinics or Planned Parenthood. However, they have shown that they are not truly interested in that with their decision to cut funding for Planned Parenthood on the excuse that Planned Parenthood isn't directly doing the exams. This is just an excuse. This foundation was scared that it would be tainted by an politically motivated smear investigation into Planned Parenthood and has decided that the health of low income women is not as important. I will never volunteer for them again.

Review from Guidestar

No longer will I give a penny to this greedy, useless, far right, fleecing organization. I am on a mission to tell my friends, neighbors, and family not to run in their races, not to contribute, and to give instead to the National Breast Cancer Coalition. Too much "pink" donated money ends up in the hands of the management, and not enough to actual research for a genuine cure. This week we have discovered Komen is just another nutty, far-right fleecing machine.

kevinlarkin9 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

You should have kept funding Planned Parenthood. Terrible mistake on your part.

Review from Guidestar


velos General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

My wife works with some women engaged in high profile fund raising and sponsorship. Told her about the events of the last few days and she scheduled a meeting for me to tell the entire group. If I can sink a few hundred thou to Susan Komen foundation I'm gonna do it and ask that they spend their funds elsewhere...

1 David67

David67 Donor

Rating: 1

I thought you were a bi-partisan organization that cared more about women than fundamentalist religion? My time and money will instead go toward alternate organizations that fight cancer. I hope that millions across our nation do the same. Shame on you!


mretter Donor

Rating: 1

Former donor here. I will no longer support this foundation. It has placed politics before the lives of women. Thanks to its despicable defunding of Planned Parenthood, thousand of women may die. The pink ribbon is now soiled with the excrement of the far-right. PINK STINKS!

wdlvjs Donor

Rating: 1

A great idea that became a political joke. Don't give them a penny!

Review from CharityNavigator


gadewan Donor

Rating: 1

An ostensible breast cancer org. defunds MAMMOGRAMS? WTF? Send your money to someone who cares about women, not these self aggrandizing grief ghouls. They exist to take your money and leave you high and dry.


Thrjd Volunteer

Rating: 1

I am disgusted that my donations has gone toward an organization with a political agenda instead of helping women.


tnds810 Donor

Rating: 1

This organization should be ashamed of itself. I will no longer support it . and I will advise all of my friends and family to do the same.


drrod Volunteer

Rating: 1

I am a long time supporter of SGK since a dear friend died of breast cancer many years ago. I can no longer support this charity after their current decision to not provide financial support for poor women get screening through Planned Parenthood. I hate to see a once great charity become such a pariah.

I have been a long time supporter of Komen. That stops today. For shame.

1 Hope G.

Hope G. Donor

Rating: 1

I have donated personally and participated in Komen walks in the past but their recent actions have given me cause to question the integrity of the organization. I will no longer support Komen in any way because any organization that puts politics over women's health doesn't deserve my support. I am thankful and grateful for all the health practitioners at Planned Parenthood. When I couldn't afford healthcare, they were there for me as they are for so many other lower income women. They have been willing to take the heat to help all women who need their services...Komen on the other had, is willing to compromise women's health for a political agenda.


roblicsw Donor

Rating: 1

A great organization has a cancer at its core - politics. SGK's attempt to sanitize its policy about canceling support to recipients "under investigation" is phony on its face. Look into their "policy". You'll find it's vague and oh so conveniently triggered by another politically motivated attack on PP.

Review from Guidestar


charleysfarm General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Since Komen stopped grants to Planned Parenthood I have learned about the other areas they have meddled in. For instance they stopped research on howenviromental toxins may influence breast cancer. And they wont fund stem cell research for breast cancer. There are too many biases in how they use the money I send them. I will look for a foundation that is more open minded and truely cares for the plight of all women even those that are poor.

I will never again support the Susan G. Komen foundation. I will give all my donations to planned parenthood and other groups who support women regardless of their pro-life or pro-choice decisions.

1 Scott N.

Scott N. General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Komen caved to REPUBLICAN POLITICS cutting funding for Planned Parenthood that provided nearly 170,000 clinical breast exams and resulted in 6,400 referrals for mammograms. In 2011 alone, grants from Komen provided Planned Parenthood with roughly $650,000 in funding for breast cancer prevention, screening, and education. According to a recent statement by Komen, "In some areas of the U.S., our affiliates have determined a Planned Parenthood clinic to be the best or only local place where women can receive breast health care." ALL THAT HAS BEEN CUT OFF BASED UPON Komen's CARE FOR THE REPUBLICAN AGENDA rather than CARE FOR DISADVANTAGED WOMEN.

1 Kevin H.

Kevin H. Donor

Rating: 1

I have given money to the Komen Breast Cancer Foundation every year for a long time. I have volunteered on its behalf. I have run in its races. No more -- and never again. From now on, I will dedicate my time and money to Planned Parenthood. Shame on the Foundation for caving to right-wingers who couldn't care less about women's health.

I've run the SGK 5K for 15 years. Not again. Planned Parenthood gets my $$$.


zpal Donor

Rating: 1

I formerly supported this organization since breast cancer is an issue that touches people and families from all walks of life.Unfortunately I cannot support an organization that reduces services in the name of blatant pandering to a religious minority. No more pink ribbons here, my donation will go to better run charities.

How Does Susan G Komen Spend Their Money


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